Shoe company Workplace Strategy


Academic - Confidential

Developing strategies to sync the flow of people and movement of shoe products throughout space, to create a more efficient and creative workplace.

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The confidential shoe company is a dynamic, trendy and future-forward company whose workplace environment and employees exude the same individuality that their product itself encourages.

However, there is a lack of specialization, protocol and diversity to match the needs of both flow of people and of products across the creative process.



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The confidential shoe company strives to “give people the opportunity to express themselves through their shoe.”

To accomplish this, the company works along two mid-sets: creativity, to drive the concepts and new design developments and facilitate team interactions, and efficiency, to move product from design to market, providing the customers with fresh models every season.


Here is a sample Privacy section that I focused on:



We delivered an executive brief and presentation to convey our understanding of the company's processes and space, and proposed both short term and long term solutions. This brief is the beginning for the WD+C team to start the conversation with executive board on redesigning the space.



When first contacted by the company, I was overwhelmed by the project scope. The company’s headquarter has 11 floors and houses around 650 employees. Each team was facing distinct challenges since they utilized the space differently. After a series of interviews and a detailed onsite visit, I was able to limit the project scope and create categories to summarize their issues when using the space so that I can generate solutions accordingly.

I enjoyed talking to the company’s teams face to face to understand their concerns and passions. In the process, I’ve learned client communication skills by conducting 4 user interviews and digging in to discover their underlying needs. I also discovered better ways to cooperate with my teams and served as the moderator in the team.



My Role:

Workplace Strategist

Design Researcher


User Interviews

On-Site Observation

Insights Ideation

Opportunity Areas

5 Case Studies

Privacy, Tracking and Storage Sections

Jialin Ke, Mia DiMaio, Yiwen Sun(Me)

Jialin Ke, Mia DiMaio, Yiwen Sun(Me)